
blog > Customizing preset cars (2023 August 6)

Customizing preset cars #


Preset cars? #

The game data files include some cars with predefined tuning. Examples of these are Rachel's car you start career mode with, Caleb's car, sponsor cars... Each preset also has a name (name), here are all of them that are present in my game (I expect this to be the same in every game version):

If you don't know, the sponsor cars can be unlocked by typing the cheat during boot, when the "press enter to continue" Rachel screen is shown. A sound effect will play after entering succesfully. Then the "SPONSOR CARS" category can be chosing in the quick race menu, where they will be available to use for a single race.


The idea #

These preset cars are cool things one can never really access in the game (at least not the ones that are unused), so it would be cool to be able to add them to your car collection like I did with Customizing sponsor cars.

Using them in quick race immediately without having to add them to your car collection would also be cool, but is for a future time.


Execution #

See nfsu2-re-hooks/fun-car-customize-preset.c for all the code together.


Adding the preset car category in the car browser #

To do this, we'll have to add entries for the preset cars when selecting a car to customize. The idea is to add a separate category which will contain all preset cars. This can be done by hooking into function CarSelectFNGObject::ChangeCategory, which is used to determine what category of cars to show when the prev/next arrow buttons are pressed.

This car selection screen is used for a few different reasons: selecting quick race car, selecting car to customize, selecting car in online mode (not career car select, that one has a dedicated screen). So we're gonna add the custom category in the category rotation, but only if car selection is being done for choosing a car to customize:

// make up a new unique value that doesn't exist in enum INVENTORY_CAR_FLAGS for our category

int fun_car_customize_preset_CarSelectFNGObject__ChangeCategory(struct CarSelectFNGObject *this, void *_, unsigned int message)
#define MSG_PREV 0x5073EF13
#define MSG_NEXT 0xD9FEEC59

	if (profileData->menuState == MENU_STATE_CAR_CUSTOMIZE) {
		if (message == MSG_PREV) {
			switch (carSelectCategory) {
				carSelectCategory = CUSTOM_IS_PRESET_CAR; break;
				if (CarSelectFNGObject::CountAvailableCars(this, IS_TUNED_CAR))) {
					carSelectCategory = IS_TUNED_CAR; break;
			case IS_TUNED_CAR: carSelectCategory = IS_STOCK_CAR; break;
			case IS_STOCK_CAR: carSelectCategory = IS_STOCK_CAR | IS_TUNED_CAR; break;
		} else if (message == MSG_NEXT) {
			switch (carSelectCategory) {
			case IS_STOCK_CAR | IS_TUNED_CAR: carSelectCategory = IS_STOCK_CAR; break;
			case IS_STOCK_CAR:
				if (CarSelectFNGObject::CountAvailableCars(this, IS_TUNED_CAR))) {
					carSelectCategory = IS_TUNED_CAR; break;
			case IS_TUNED_CAR:
				carSelectCategory = CUSTOM_IS_PRESET_CAR; break;
			case CUSTOM_IS_PRESET_CAR: carSelectCategory = IS_STOCK_CAR | IS_TUNED_CAR; break;
		profileData->player1[profileData->currentPlayerIndex?].d4.currentCarSelectionCategory = carSelectCategory;
		return 1;
	return 0;

void fun_car_customize_preset_CarSelectFNGObject__ChangeCategory_hook(unsigned int message)
	_asm {
		push ecx
		call fun_car_customize_sponsor_CarSelectFNGObject__ChangeCategory
		test eax, eax
		jnz ok
		// we were not in customize menu, call the normal function
		// but first do the thing that we overwrote in order to jmp to this proc
		pop ecx
		mov eax, carSelectCategory
		mov edx, 0x4EED15 // edx can be used because it's overridden later in that proc anyways
		jmp edx
		add esp, 4
		retn 0x4

mkjmp(0x4EED10, fun_car_customize_preset_CarSelectFNGObject__ChangeCategory_hook);

This won't have much effect other than messing up the category changing rotation. Because we're using a car flag that doesn't exist, no cars will be matched so the category would have no cars. The CarSelectFNGObject::ResetBrowableCars function takes care of such situations and makes the category fall back to "all cars" should this happen, because empty categories should not be possible to be selected (the game would crash if there's no car to show).



Filling the preset car category with car entries #

Two things need to happen to do this:

Execution > Filling the preset car category with car entries

Returning the correct amount of preset cars #

CarCollectionWithPointers::CountAvailableCars counts the amount of available cars in the player's struct CarCollection. Since preset cars are of course not part of this, we'll have to add some code here to make sure it works for preset cars.

void fun_car_customize_preset_CarCollection__CountAvailableCars_hook(enum INVENTORY_CAR_FLAGS flagsToCheck, int typeToCheck)
	_asm {
		test [esp+4], CUSTOM_IS_PRESET_CAR
		jnz its_preset
		// not preset, return back where we hooked from (but do the things we overwrote first)
		sub esp, 8
		push ebx
		mov ebx, [esp+0xC+8]
		mov eax, 0x534858
		jmp eax
		// not sure if we really need to count or just return nonzero to make things happy, but lets do a real count
		or eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
		mov ecx, offset carPresets
		inc eax
		mov ecx, [ecx] // struct
		cmp ecx, offset carPresets
		jnz next
		retn 8

mkjmp(CarCollectionWithPointers::CountAvailableCars, fun_car_customize_preset_CarCollection__CountAvailableCars_hook);


Execution > Filling the preset car category with car entries

Iterating preset cars #

CarCollectionWithPointers::FindCarWithFlagAfterGivenCar is used to iterate cars. Only cars with the given flag should be considered, and it should return the first car if the givenCar argument is NULL, otherwise the car that comes after it or NULL if it was the last available car.

// my game has 32, assuming all versions will have the same ones
#define MAX_PRESET_CARS 32
struct SponsorCar presetCarAsInventoryCar[MAX_PRESET_CARS];
int numPresetCars;

struct InventoryCar *
FindPresetCarAfterGivenCar(enum INVENTORY_CAR_FLAGS flagsToCheck, struct InventoryCar *givenCar)
	struct SponsorCar *s;
	struct CarPreset *p;
	int i;
	char buf[32];

	// initialize our SponsorCar instances with CarPreset data, this is only needed once
	// so use the numPresetCars variables as a check to see if this was done already or not.
	if (!numPresetCars) {
		for (p = (void*) carPresets, s = presetCarAsInventoryCar;
			(p = (void*) p-> != (void*) carPresets &&
			numPresetCars < MAX_PRESET_CARS;
			numPresetCars++, s++)
			sprintf(buf, "STOCK_%s", p->modelName);
			s->__parent.vtable = (void*) sponsorCar$vtable;
			s->__parent.field_4 = 0; // not sure what this is
			s->__parent.slotHash = cihash(buf);
			s->__parent.floatField_C = 0.0f; // not sure what this is
			s->__parent.field_10 = 0; // not sure what this is
			s->__parent.flags = CUSTOM_IS_PRESET_CAR;
			s->carPresetHash = cihash(p->name);
	if (!givenCar) {
		return &presetCarAsInventoryCar->__parent;
	p = (void*) carPresets; // (CarPreset's link is at offset 0)
	for (i = 0; i < numPresetCars - 1; i++) {
		if (presetCarAsInventoryCar + i == (void*) givenCar) {
			return (void*) (presetCarAsInventoryCar + i + 1);
	return NULL;

struct InventoryCar *
fun_car_customize_preset_CarCollection__FindCarWithFlagAfterGivenCar_hook(enum INVENTORY_CAR_FLAGS flagsToCheck, struct InventoryCar *givenCar)
	_asm {
		test [esp+4], CUSTOM_IS_PRESET_CAR
		jnz its_preset
		// not preset, return back where we hooked from (but do the things we overwrote first)
		push ebx
		push esi
		push edi
		mov edi, [esp+0x14]
		mov eax, 0x5162D7
		jmp eax
		jmp FindPresetCarAfterGivenCar

mkjmp(CarCollectionWithPointers::FindCarWithFlagAfterGivenCar, fun_car_customize_preset_CarCollection__FindCarWithFlagAfterGivenCar_hook);

I'm making instances here of struct SponsorCar to return, because it seems like the best fit as sponsor cars are also created from preset cars.


Execution > Filling the preset car category with car entries

Constraining the category to customization menu only #

If you now go to the customization menu, select the preset car category, escape and go to quick race car select, you see the preset car category is still selected. This is because the last selected category (and car even) gets remembered. This is bad because selecting a preset car in the quick race menu will make the game crash when continuing.

I don't know/remember where exactly it gets reset when different menus are shown, but it sure looks like this isn't being reset, possibly because we added a totally new category. So let's ensure we reset the category, and the easiest place to do this - I think - is in the CountAvailableCars function.

  void fun_car_customize_preset_CarCollection__CountAvailableCars_hook(enum INVENTORY_CAR_FLAGS flagsToCheck, int typeToCheck)
  	_asm {
  		test [esp+4], CUSTOM_IS_PRESET_CAR
  		jnz its_preset
  		// not preset, return back where we hooked from (but do the things we overwrote first)
  		sub esp, 8
  		push ebx
  		mov ebx, [esp+0xC+8]
  		mov eax, 0x534858
  		jmp eax
+ 		// Need to ensure that our custom "preset cars" category cannot be selected unless we're in the
+ 		// customize menu. Otherwise one can go to customize, select preset cars, escape, go to quick
+ 		// race, and preset cars will still be selected which is no good (we don't handle that so it will
+ 		// crash the game once chosen). And once we're in our custom category, there's no way out (in the
+ 		// non-customize menus), because they cycle between known values and our custom category is not a
+ 		// known value. This is a good place, because the car select will fall back to the "all cars" category
+ 		// if the CountAvailableCars function returns 0 with the initially applied car filter.
+ 		mov eax, offset profileData
+ 		test [eax+0x156A8], MENU_STATE_CAR_CUSTOMIZE // struct ProfileData.menuState
+ 		jnz ok
+ 		// uh-oh, we're not in customize menu. Return zero to trigger the fallback that will reset the
+ 		// category to "all cars".
+ 		xor eax, eax
+ 		retn 8
+ ok:

  		// not sure if we really need to count or just return nonzero to make things happy, but lets do a real count
  		or eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
  		mov ecx, offset carPresets
  		inc eax
  		mov ecx, [ecx] // struct
  		cmp ecx, offset carPresets
  		jnz next
  		retn 8


Execution > Filling the preset car category with car entries (continuation)

Now preset cars can be selected but you'll see it will not have tuning applied and just give you a stock car instance. This is because struct SponsorCar.__parent.slotHash is being set to STOCK_%s. Sponsor cars would have this set to SPONSOR_%s, so CarCollectionWithPointers::GetCarForSlot will return the correct instance, but we need some more extra code to make this work for all preset cars.



Showing the preset cars instead of stock cars #

In the previous code, instead of using the STOCK_%s hash, I'm gonna simply use the index of the preset car as 'hash':

  struct InventoryCar *
  FindPresetCarAfterGivenCar(enum INVENTORY_CAR_FLAGS flagsToCheck, struct InventoryCar *givenCar)
  	struct SponsorCar *s;
  	struct CarPreset *p;
  	int i;
- 	char buf[32];
  	// initialize our SponsorCar instances with CarPreset data, this is only needed once
  	// so use the numPresetCars variables as a check to see if this was done already or not.
  	if (!numPresetCars) {
  		for (p = (void*) carPresets, s = presetCarAsInventoryCar;
  			(p = (void*) p-> != (void*) carPresets &&
  			numPresetCars < MAX_PRESET_CARS;
  			numPresetCars++, s++)
- 			sprintf(buf, "STOCK_%s", p->modelName);
  			s->__parent.vtable = (void*) sponsorCar$vtable;
  			s->__parent.field_4 = 0; // not sure what this is
-  			s->__parent.slotHash = cihash(buf);
+ 			// doing +1 because car entries with slotHash of 0 will be skipped.
+  			s->__parent.slotHash = numPresetCars + 1;
  			s->__parent.floatField_C = 0.0f; // not sure what this is
  			s->__parent.field_10 = 0; // not sure what this is
  			s->__parent.flags = CUSTOM_IS_PRESET_CAR;
  			s->carPresetHash = cihash(p->name);
  	if (!givenCar) {
  		return &presetCarAsInventoryCar->__parent;
  	p = (void*) carPresets; // (CarPreset's link is at offset 0)
  	for (i = 0; i < numPresetCars - 1; i++) {
  		if (presetCarAsInventoryCar + i == (void*) givenCar) {
  			return (void*) (presetCarAsInventoryCar + i + 1);
  	return NULL;

This will make the game crash when browing preset cars because at some point CarCollectionWithPointers::GetCarForSlot will be called with that hash and it will return NULL which is not supposed to happen. So let's fix that.

struct SponsorCar *
fun_car_customize_preset_CarCollection__GetCarForSlot_hook(unsigned int slotHash)
	_asm {
		mov eax, [numPresetCars]
		cmp [esp+4], eax
		jb its_preset
		push esi
		push edi
		mov edi, [esp+0xC]
		mov eax, 0x503516
		jmp eax
		mov eax, [esp+4]
		dec eax
		imul eax, 0x1C // sizeof(struct SponsorCar)
		add eax, offset presetCarAsInventoryCar
		retn 4

mkjmp(CarCollectionWithPointers::GetCarForSlot, fun_car_customize_preset_CarCollection__GetCarForSlot_hook);

And we have correctly tuned cars, yay :D



Making the game not crash when choosing a preset car #

Currently the game will crash when actually choosing a preset car to customize. Let's fix that. This code is basically almost exactly the same as what I did for customizing sponsor cars in Making the game not crash and updated in Making things simpler.

struct TunedCar*
fun_car_customize_preset_CustomizeCar_set_car_instance_if_missing(struct CarCollection *this, unsigned int slotNameHash)
	struct MenuCarInstance *menuCarInstance;
	struct SponsorCar *sponsorCar;
	struct TunedCar* tunedCar;
	char buf[32];
	int i;

	// if car instance is missing, just assume it's a preset car. Not checking if slotNameHash actually is
	// our custom slotNameHash. Game will crash anyways if we can't create an instance here.
	presetCar = presetCarAsInventoryCar + slotNameHash - 1;

	sprintf(buf, "STOCK_%s", FindCarPreset(presetCar->carPresetHash)->modelName);
	tunedCar = CarCollection::CreateNewTunedCarFromFromDataAtSlot(this, cshash(buf));
	// (3rd param is MenuCarInstance, using an instance in the data section that
	//  gets overridden later in the Customize process anyways)
	// (4th param is unknown, but unused in SponsorCar's ApplyTuning
	SponsorCar::ApplyTuningToInstance(sponsorCar, profileData->currentPlayerIndex?, &customizingCarInstanceB, 0);
	// copy tuning back from MenuCarInstance to tuned car instance
	TunedCar18::CopyTuningFromMenuCarInstance(&tunedCar->field_18, &customizingCarInstanceB);
	return tunedCar;

	_asm {
		test esi, esi
		jnz allgood
		// oh yey, no car instance, we're probably trying to customize a sponsor car. LEHDOTHIS
		// only need to retain esi here (value in ebx is not used from the hooked point)
		push ebx // slotNameHash
		push ecx // this
		call fun_car_customize_preset_CustomizeCar_set_car_instance_if_missing
		mov esi, eax
		mov byte ptr [ebp+8+3], 1 // this happens when a new tuned car is created from stock car, so lets do that
		mov cl, byte ptr [ebp+8+3] // overwrote this
		push 0 // overwrote this
		mov eax, 0x552DC0
		jmp eax

mkjmp(0x552DBB, fun_car_customize_preset_CustomizeCar_set_car_instance_if_missing_hook);

Yay :D



Fixing the category label text #

While everything works functionally now, there's still the issue that the category label shows "Stock cars" when the preset cars category is selected. That's because we added that category and the game only knows its predefined categories and the code happens to fall back to using "Stock cars" as text if the current category doesn't match any known values. Let's fix.

#define hashof_carselect_category_label 0x3E81DE59

fun_car_customize_preset_PostUpdateUI(struct CarSelectFNGObject *this)
	struct UIElement *el;
	char *str;

	if (carSelectCategory == CUSTOM_IS_PRESET_CAR) {
		SetUILabelByHashFormattedString("UI_QRCarSelect.fng", hashof_carselect_category_label, "Preset cars", NULL);

	_asm {
		push ecx
		call fun_car_customize_preset_PostUpdateUI
		// we overwrote a jmp so just execute that to get back
		mov eax, 0x497CD0
		jmp eax

mkjmp(0x4B2855, fun_car_customize_preset_CarSelectFNGObject__UpdateUI_hook);



Showing the preset car name #

And as cherry on top of the pie: let's show the name of the preset car while browsing.

For this I'll re-use the UI elements that exist to show what kind of race the currently selected ranked car is for. There are 6 ranked cars (for online play), and each car is only for a specific race mode (circuit, sprint, etc). When selecting a ranked car, this mode is shown in the UI. This UI is almost perfect to use for our usecase. Here are its UI Elements that will be used:

UI Elements in 'OL_CarMode_Group' that we will use

Only one label is needed, so the 'Circuit' label will be hidden, and the 'Race Mode' label will be repositioned to the right (because its text is right aligned) and used to display the preset car name.

#define hashof_carselect_category_label 0x3E81DE59
#define hashof_OL_CarMode_Group 0x2043ABA0
#define hashof_racemode 0x6578FB3F
#define hashof_racemodevalue 0xA9205BD8

fun_car_customize_preset_PostUpdateUI(struct CarSelectFNGObject *this)
	struct UIElement *el;
	char *str;

	if (carSelectCategory == CUSTOM_IS_PRESET_CAR) {
		SetUILabelByHashFormattedString("UI_QRCarSelect.fng", hashof_carselect_category_label, "Preset cars", NULL);
		el = FindUIElementByHash("UI_QRCarSelect.fng", hashof_OL_CarMode_Group);
		// the function above removes the "hidden" flag from the UI elements, but this group can still be hidden
		// because there's an "animation" active named "HIDE". Ensure the "SHOW" "animation" is active.
		SetUIElementAnimationByName(el, "SHOW", 0);
		HideUIElementAndChildrenByHash("UI_QRCarSelect.fng", hashof_racemodevalue);
		str = FindCarPreset((presetCarAsInventoryCar + this->currentSelectedCar->slotHash - 1)->carPresetHash)->name;
		SetUILabelByHashFormattedString("UI_QRCarSelect.fng", hashof_racemode, str, NULL);
		FindUIElementByHash("UI_QRCarSelect.fng", hashof_racemode)->pos->leftOffset = 85.0f;
	} else {
		HideUIElementAndChildrenByHash("UI_QRCarSelect.fng", hashof_OL_CarMode_Group);
